Communication skills went to a new level.

"Bruce is a very rare person who can transform anyone from fear based to confident. I left his meetings a different person than when I arrived. He has a remarkable talent for what I can only call, ‘deep listening’. It is an experience that everyone should have at least once in their lives. He takes communication skills to a new level.”

— Brant Wilson

I highly recommend Bruce Hunt.

I had the opportunity of working with Bruce over three months in early 2024. Having an extreme fear of public speaking, Bruce helped me cultivate self awareness and the ability to interrupt my negative self thoughts, replacing them with positive ones. This is not an overnight overhaul process and needs conscious persistence and courage for which Bruce provided me the tools and the humor.

I now understand how varied life experiences cause thought patterns and how these thoughts form behaviours. Awareness of such limiting thoughts reduces their potency and helps in overcoming them. I am now able to "breathe", make my speech more "content" driven and cultivate inner wisdom.

I highly recommend Bruce Hunt to anyone who wants to learn relaxed and impressive public speaking.


Bruce helped transform my jumbled mess of ideas into something that authentically conveyed my emotions.

I had the pleasure of working with Bruce as a coach for crafting my Best Man speech, and I couldn't be more grateful for my success.

Initially overwhelmed, Bruce helped transform my jumbled mess of ideas into something that authentically conveyed my emotions. A kind soul with extensive writing experience, Bruce's suggestions regarding heartfelt anecdotes and his knack for injecting humor into my speech were spot on. Bruce didn’t just provide tips; he also equipped me with the confidence to deliver it in a manner that I’m immensely proud of. With his guidance, I not only found my voice but also the courage to deliver a speech that had people laughing and tearing up.

If you’re seeking a partner to help articulate your thoughts onto paper and then nail a speech, Bruce is your guy. He's a true professional who genuinely cares about his clients' success. Trust me, you won't regret it!"


Good to great speaker.

“I successfully completed an 8 week session with Bruce to improve my speaking skills for public-facing and executive level presentations. We worked very well together and his targeted sessions were helpful in identifying some nuances in turning from a good to a great speaker. Confidence is at an all time high and I have Bruce to thank. Would recommend.”

- Greg Gilbert: Real Estate Development

Confidence Increased.

“Bruce’s classes have helped me improve my comfort level in front of audiences, and increase my confidence in impromptu speaking situations. He provides a trusting atmosphere for getting out of your shell and unlocking your speaking potential.

- Trevor Silvani, Graphic Designer, Toronto

I was more relaxed and present for my event.

“Bruce saved the day for me. I was the MC for a close family member’s funeral service, in which I also had to deliver one of the eulogies. I had a week to prepare. Bruce provided me with the right guidance in the right amount so as not to overwhelm me. I got to focus on what mattered most, and learned to let go of the less impactful details. He has so much experience that he was able to customize his feedback for exactly what I needed in order to feel confident and empowered in my role. I even felt him at my side during the event, coaching and encouraging me. I was more relaxed and present for the event than I would have otherwise been, which meant I could listen well and be genuinely supportive to all the other speakers at the service. Hiring Bruce was one of my best decisions.”

Julie Inglis : Funeral Service MC

Great feeback on the session.

"It was great meeting you! Just wanted to say a huge thank you again! We’ve been hearing lots of great feedback on the session and how it was so engaging 😊”

Brenda Duong | Associate Manager, Integrated Marketing Planning | TD Bank Group

Bruce genuinely cares about your growth.

“Bruce was an amazing public speaking coach! Working with him was always really fun and he had a different activity/exercise for us every session. He genuinely cares about your growth and you can tell that he puts effort into every single class. His life-changing groundhog story is one that you can’t miss so be sure to ask him about it!”

Riya and Veer J

Father of the Bride.

"I wanted to thank you so much for all the work you put in helping me craft and deliver, what turned out to be, a fabulous speech. It is easy to google how to deliver a speech, but the process makes all the difference. Your knowledge, patience and expertise were greatly appreciated. The intangible that people might not appreciate is that, for the most part, you read my concerns and acted not just as a coach but often providing me with encouragement and tools I used to get past the nerves. I would not hesitate to call on you again and refer anyone to you. Thank you again for all your work.”

Bill Pitt

Have seen a huge difference in my confidence.

“Bruce has been an amazing coach with all kinds of great ideas, strategies and tips that have helped me become a more confident speaker. Knowing Bruce had encountered and overcome many of the same challenges I have had gave me the confidence to work with him. He did not disappoint. I did 8 coaching sessions with him and have seen a huge difference in my confidence and approach to speaking. He is patient, understanding and worked within my schedule to make sure I could get the most out of his coaching. 10 out of 10 would recommend to a friend or colleague.”

— Anthony, Toronto.

Bruce was, warm and engaging and prepared.

“We had Bruce in our office to lead a “Communicate with Confidence” seminar to our young developing professionals. Bruce was warm, engaging and prepared. It was a useful and interactive experience that everyone really enjoyed. Everyone received a take-home workbook from Bruce with tips and tricks for overcoming their public speaking fears that they’ll be able to refer back to again and again – a nice touch. Thank you so much, Bruce!”

Karlene Horsfield, Geotechnical Engineer, WSP Global Inc.

Helped me secure multiple job offerings!

“Bruce was a great public speaking coach! He always had great lessons, tips, and questions prepared for each session that we had together. My main focus was on preparing for job interviews and Bruce was able to cater our sessions towards helping me improve my speaking confidence, fluidity, and strengthen my interview answers. I saw great success in our practices as it helped me to secure multiple job offerings!”—

Sean O'Connell: University Student

I am now speaking with eye contact, a loud tone and tremendous confidence.

“Bruce is a phenomenal public speaking teacher and coach! Have only attended 2 sessions and already notice a change. I am now speaking with eye contact, a loud tone and tremendous confidence. Bruce is happy to teach you many secrets and tips that will not only help you in public speaking, but on a day to day basis. It is wonderful having a teacher who is knowledgeable, but it’s even better when your teacher is passionate and enthusiastic about what they do. Always excited for the next public speaking session! Come and see what all the hype’s about!”

Shaun L, Toronto

I am a more confident speaker

“I had never gone to a public speaking group before, and initially I had dreadful visions of having little to say to a large, judgmental audience. I decided I’d try just once and to my surprise, I have been a regular ever since. The atmosphere is always friendly and easy-going thanks to Bruce, and everyone has plenty of chances to speak. Because of the down-to-earth and understanding nature of the group, I am able to better focus on developing my speech techniques rather than being paralyzed with fear. As an unexpected bonus, I’m always learning new tips as the speeches are often about topics related to self-improvement. I am so glad I have been lucky enough to be a part of this group - by the end of each session, I always feel like I’ve gotten a load off my back and I am a more confident speaker."

Donna Row, Toronto

The ideal mentor for anyone looking to improve.

“From the moment I met Bruce, it was evident that he possessed a wealth of experience and knowledge in the art of public speaking. He exuded an unwavering passion for helping others conquer their fears and achieve their goals, making him the ideal mentor for anyone looking to improve their speaking skills.”

Ash G

You can trust Bruce to do wonders a speech coach.

Bruce Hunt is a warm and friendly person. He instantly puts you at ease and knows how to handle any given scenario and enables the mentee to see their own self worth. Very few people I’ve met are as talented and open as Bruce. You can trust him to do wonders as a speech coach.”

Deepak Yeshwanth Saibaba

I was able to create and structure a completely unique and entertaining presentation.

“Thanks to Bruce’s workshops and coaching, I was able to create and structure a completely unique and entertaining presentation that has helped our company increase our exposure and brand recognition within the insurance industry. His honest professional advice made all the difference, Thanks again Bruce.”

Steve Phillips Director of Business Development Foley Restoration

I will remember your lessons as I grow up.

“This encouragement assignment is to you, Bruce. Thank you for teaching us how to be a good public speaker. I know public speaking is hard and takes a lot of courage so you are very courageous to teach me and a lot of other people about how to be good at public speaking. It also takes lots of effort and time to prepare your speeches and presentation slides and stories so I am glad you are willing to sacrifice your time to teach us all about public speaking. I also like the stories you told us in class because they are really funny and almost always manages to make me smile. My favourite story that you told is the one where you and your friend climbed a tree and could not get down and then a man came and told you how to climb down from the tree and saved you. I will remember your lessons as I grow up and use your tips and tips in the future for my school presentations and job interviews so I can get a better mark in school whenever I do presentations and get a job easier. I think you should be proud of your achievements because teaching a bunch of kids about public speaking is not an easy task and not everyone in the world could do it as good as you. My favourite part of the public speaking course is the stories of your childhood because as I said before in this assignment, they are really funny. Your public speaking classes can also inspire many other different people to start talking and discover their talent for public speaking. To end things off, I just want to say that you are awesome and should continue to teach public speaking and not give up.”—

Student of Bruce's Youth Course

Supportive, uplifting and fun!

“I was struck by how supportive, uplifting and fun Bruce made public speaking. Listening to him speak, inspired me, to want too improve my articulation and expression, of the spoken word. Since that time I have attended 3 of his ignite your inner speaker workshops. Those 3 workshops have launched a massive passion from within myself for public speaking. This is all from his creative, fun and supportive speaking workshops.”

Lita Mae Button, Pro Boxer and Motivational Speaker

I find Bruce to be a highly effective coach.

“Bruce leads very supportive and encouraging events. Bruce opened the evening by telling us about his personal journey of how he went from being a nervous, timid speaker to a very confident, eloquent and effective speaker. It definitely put me at ease, knowing that someone who was once in the same shoes as me, could overcome his apprehensions with public speaking and make it an enjoyable and fun experience. Bruce led us through various speaking exercises throughout the night ranging from breaking the ice, sharing personal insights and experiences, to impromptu exercises that pushed us out of our comfort zone. I find Bruce to be a highly effective coach and inspiration to all."

Brian K, Toronto

“These workshops are amazing.

“These workshops are amazing - they give you the opportunity to work on a specific skill (whatever the topic of the given workshop) multiple times in one session. The feedback Bruce provides is always useful and tangible. You are then given the opportunity to practice implementing these new skills, all in the same session! Bruce always exudes a very warm and comfortable environment which makes it a pleasure attending any of his workshops.

Rebecca Orr

Want to improve your vocal chops? Talk to Bruce.”

“Bruce creates an engaging and supportive atmosphere that benefits public speakers at every skill level. Want to improve your vocal chops? Talk to Bruce.”

Richard Todd, Author, Toronto

Very welcoming and inspiring.

“I’ve had the opportunity to attend two of the public speaking workshops held by Bruce. Bruce has his own unique style of running the sessions and I found them very welcoming and inspiring. He always had creative ideas to make the workshops more fun and engaging. I learned a lot during these two sessions and I am looking forward to attend any future public speaking workshops held by him.”

Nima Dezhkam

Overcame social anxiety.

“I highly recommend Bruce as a coach for anyone looking to overcome social anxiety. He is truly inspiring and has helped me tremendously on my journey towards social confidence. Before working with Bruce, I used to avoid social interactions altogether. However, through his guidance and our practices, I have learned to channel my intention and engage with others confidently, even enjoying small talk! This newfound confidence has spilled over into my day-to-day life, and I now find myself appreciating interactions with everyone from neighbours to restaurant staff. In fact, I have even landed a new role with a fantastic company, thanks in no small part to the skills and confidence I’ve gained from working with Bruce. Overall, I’m immensely grateful to Bruce for imparting the foundational life skills that have helped me become a stronger and more confident leader.”

WT: Health Care Industry

Feedback made me appreciate some of my strengths which I may not have considered.

“Bruce took me through a lot of different exercises which really made me understand what I find easy (like following a structure) and what I find difficult (like incorporating personal stories). He introduced me to various different approaches to presenting effectively. Also his regular feedback made me appreciate some of my strengths which I may not have considered as strengths, helping me build confidence in my natural presenting style.”


Really enjoyed your session!

“We really enjoyed your session Communicate with Confidence workshop. The tips, talk structure, and boosters were all important pieces of the learning for our team of advisors. Everyone seemed well-engaged throughout, and expressed that the day was a really good use of their time (even the one’s who thought they knew everything). I have already shared your marketing info with the other regional teams in Ontario, and when I see the Assistant Regional Managers next week in Ottawa, I will let them know how great the session was for our team!”

Tracey Cottrell: Managing Director, MD Management Inc.

Requested to speak as the Best Man at my best friends wedding.

“To those out there considering Bruce Hunt’s public speaking services.
I came to Bruce as somebody who spoke often to small groups as a business professional, but I was totally out of my comfort zone when I was requested to speak as The Best Man at my best friends wedding. True to his reputation, Bruce was a first-class professional who I can confidently say is one of those coaches who can work with the student right up to the downtown working professional (I learned later he was a downtown finance guy who hung ‘em up to pursue his passion – so that makes sense). The methods he used with me, to my surprise, proved to actually work to get me rock solid for my performance. Beyond coaching my delivery, Bruce was fully engaged with the content of my speech, advising me every step of the way from his broad experience in the field.

The time finally came for me to go up in front of the audience (at socially safe distances, of course) and wouldn’t you know it, like the karate kid, I executed confidently and didn’t even need my notes.

Later on, throughout the night, many people came to me complimenting my speech. Even the next day at brunch the accolades of “the best Best Man speech I’ve ever heard” kept coming in.

I consider Bruce a friend after his highly successful work with me - that’s the level of care and attention he gave to my big day under the spotlight. One of my better investments!”—

President, Construction Industry & The Best Man

I received compliments on my delivery.

“I have been working with Bruce over the past couple of weeks to try to overcome my anxiety and fear surrounding public speaking, specifically in the context of giving presentations. I reached out to him after a series of presentations that I really struggled with delivering without feeling overwhelming panic and anxiety. After several sessions with Bruce, I started gaining self-confidence and worked with him on overcoming my feelings of anxiety. Each session was catered towards what we decided would be the most helpful for me, and I have learned helpful techniques that I will be able to continue using in other areas of my life. After these sessions, I was able to deliver my presentations successfully and even received compliments on my delivery. Bruce’s warm and friendly demeanor have made it easy to open up and I have always felt that he has had my personal growth as his genuine goal.”

Sasha B : University Student

Helped me advance my social and communication skills.

“Bruce has been instrumental in the development of my approach communications style and comfort level with public speaking over the last 6 years. Bruce has always been encouraging, responsive to my questions, and brings challenging exercises that help me advance my business and social communication skills.”—

Nate Simpson, Business Development Consultant

Monumental in helping me tell more engaging stories..

“I’ve been working with Bruce for the past 8 months. I’m in a position where I talk to 10 plus people a day and he’s be monumental in helping me tell more engaging stories, carrying on conversations without awkward silences, and overall feeling more confident in my speaking abilities and interactions with others. I highly recommend anyone thats struggling with public speaking or social situations to meet with Bruce to see how he can help. You’re missing out by not doing so!”—

Tim Lau, Chiropractor

I am already seeing the benefits in my career.

“I have worked with Bruce over the course of several months to improve my impromptu speaking, in order to perform better in my role as Vice President at a highly competitive and demanding investment fund in Toronto.

Bruce created a program that specifically targeted weak areas of my impromptu speaking, and the result has been incredible. My impromptu speaking skills went from below average to well above average, and at the same time my confidence as a professional grew tremendously. Key areas that were improved in my speaking included: reducing the use of filler words, creating a more dynamic speaking voice, using structures to clearly and concisely explain my ideas, speaking confidently when asked questions I don’t understand, and much more.

I am already seeing the benefits of my work with Bruce in status within my company, promotions, compensation, etc. Working with Bruce has had an incredibly high return on my money and time spent, and I’m sure it will continue to bear fruit for the rest of my career!”

Vice President of an Investment Fund in Toronto

I felt confident to deliver my speech!

“I work in higher education and recently obtained a new position where I have to regularly present my work to others, which I am not used to. For one of my first presentations, I had to present to a group of Vice and Associate Deans. This was extremely nerve-wracking, not just because of the audience, but also because I wasn’t offered a lot of time for preparation and I was not feeling very confident with my public speaking. Luckily, Bruce was available to help me through it! He helped me reduce the amount of content so that my message was succinct, but also helped me with my pacing/timing and gave me practical advice that would help me navigate the challenges of giving the actual presentation and with the following Q & A period. Since I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare, I appreciated that he made sure to be available to me when I was ready to meet and practice my speech. In the end, I felt confident to deliver my speech and am very happy that it was well-received. It was great having Bruce as an extra sounding board to bounce ideas off of and to have someone friendly to coach me and practice with. If you are in a similar situation or situation where you have to do any public speaking, I highly recommend having Bruce on your side to guide you through it!”

Joanna L, Toronto

We thank Bruce again and look forward to having him back.

“The Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians (CACPT) is thankful to Bruce for his insightful and informative virtual lunch and learn with our members. Even with a technical glitch, Bruce was able to bounce back and use it as an example of what could happen when public speaking in today’s virtual world. It was evident through the Q&A portion that our members were engaged and attentive throughout the session. We thank Bruce again and look forward to having him back for another great lunch and learn in the future.”

George T. Zajac, CPT, MCIP, RPP Executive Director, CACPT

We all gained so much from the session.

“Bruce delivered an impactful session on public speaking breakthroughs to our group. The feedback has been exceptional . We all gained so much from the session. Bruce was personable, friendly and approachable, and he was able to fully engage the room and carry everyone along, even down to the most reserved person. His tips were easy to grasp and understand and at the end of the session, everyone was feeling more confident.Thank you Bruce for your time.”

Jessica Ufuoma: Toronto Business Brunch

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Helped me overcome a lot of my own anxieties.

“Having been to a number of Bruce’s workshops, I can safely say that he is one of the best facilitators around. His unique personable style allows participants to explore and challenge their public speaking apprehensions and assumptions without the fear of judgement. This open and creative environment has helped me overcome a lot of my own anxieties.”

Gavin Gillespie, Toronto

Highly recommended.

“Attending Bruce’s workshops over the past couple weeks has been a fantastic experience. I’ve had the chance to practice my public speaking in a fun and supportive environment, while still feeling challenged to step outside of my comfort zone on a weekly basis. Bruce is a natural leader and sets a great example for people like me looking to improve upon their public speaking skills, confidence and experience. Highly recommended!”

Jonathan Goldberg, Toronto

Exceeded my expectations!

“Bruce’s “Communicate with Confidence” program exceeded my expectations! The program is very engaging and catered to your needs entirely. Highly recommended, Bruce is a genuine good human!” “I loved how Bruce was able to meet our needs and format our learning to something that worked for us and our requirements. The time spent with him was fantastic and has made me a much more confident speaker”

Jenny Butchart: Life Skills Coordinator, Unity Project

Confidence has heightened.

“Thank you Bruce for all your lessons and suggestions on my dental lecture. Your coaching methods helped me formulate the perfect speech and guaranteed my success. I enjoyed the one-on-one sessions especially because it was personalized to my needs and target areas. Not only has my performance improved but my confidence has heightened since completing the training. Your course has truly added value to my life. I look forward to signing up again. Thank you.”

Sally Issa: B.DS, M.Sc (ImplantDent), DICOI

I have experienced a sense of inner growth

“Bruce leads roundtable sessions that are very positive, non-judgmental and reinforcing. I learned techniques that are very natural and are applicable to formal and informal presentations. I feel more confident speaking in front of groups as I progressed through the workshops. The weekly topics are so fulfilling and meaningful that I have experienced a sense of inner growth after listening to other participants’ speeches. I look forward to attending future sessions.”

Pat Duldulao, Toronto

Bruce Hunt is a great teacher of public speaking.

Bruce Hunt is a great teacher of public speaking because he is a life-long learner of public speaking. He has a true passion for the art that shows in his workshops. I recommend them to anyone who wants to be a better public speaker, at any level.”

Barry Fruitman

“I’ve had the pleasure of receiving coaching from Bruce. Bruce has a keen eye for detail, and knows exactly how to direct the strengths in people. I’ve always admired Bruce for his remarkable ability to connect with people, and teach in such a warm and welcoming manner. I look forward to continue applying his principles. Thanks Bruce!

”— Waqas Chaudhry, Toronto


Since 2011 Bruce has excelled as a professional Public Speaking Trainer and Coach, offering mentoring and guidance to individuals across diverse professional fields. His clientele includes prominent organizations such as TD Bank, HSBC, Xerox Canada, CRA, among others. Passionate and professional, Bruce's commitment to his craft shines through his workshops and coaching programs. His passion for shines through in his workshops and programs. Infusing a friendly and engaging style, he creates positive learning experiences. coaxing out the confidence and potential in all participants.



Bruce Hunt is one of Toronto's most sought after Public Speaking and Communication Coaches. He has a proven track record for helping people become more confident and effective public speakers and leaders.

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© Bruce Hunt 2011 – 2024 All rights reserved.